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Sign Our Petition
Stop the construction of wind turbines in Eastland and Callahan Counties.
I am against the construction of any wind farm and any company wishing to build a wind farm in Eastland, Callahan, Stephens, and Young Counties.
In accordance with studies, I believe wind turbines will devalue my property while limiting the number of potential buyers who wish to live amongst and within eyesight of wind turbines.
I believe wind turbines will ruin the landscape of these counties, eliminating the beautiful West Texas sunsets, and other natural areas such as our hills and lakes. I further believe that wind turbines will forever change the night skies with their red blinking lights.
I believe wind turbines will negatively impact the environment as farmland and vegetation will be destroyed to accommodate the 18 wheelers delivering 150’ blades and cement for the base. Moreover, transmission lines will cross the land to transmit energy.
I believe the decision to allowing wind turbines to enter our area affects not only me but my children and grandchildren.
No amount of income from any wind farm is worth the substantial losses it will create for future generations.
Please respect my right as a citizen to be heard in protest. My signature on this petition represents my stance against any wind farm, and may be used for any purpose that may arise against any wind farm project in Eastland and Callahan counties.
Take Action
Action Item
Your voice matters, but the only way to let our county commissioners know how we feel is to show up and speak up. Show up, bring a friend or neighbor, and sign-up to speak up about why your are against wind turbines and how it will affect you.
Action Item
Contact your commissioners and neighbors. Personal calls go a long way in helping them understand your position and understand why the community is against them. Remember to remain respectful, polite, and clear because these are our friends, our neighbors, and our community members.
Action Item
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